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Goodbye, Anxiety: 3 Transformative Energy Practices for FAST Calm

Updated: Jun 28

As a busy Mum, you know those moments all too well - when the kids are melting down, the to-do list feels never ending, and your nerves feel dangerously over stimulated. Your body's stress response starts kicking into fight/flight, flooding your system with adrenaline and leaving you teetering on the edge of "mom rage."

In those intense, overwhelming moments, what your nervous system really needs is a quick energetic reset to restore a sense of calm and emotional regulation. Thankfully, energy healing and kinesiology offer some incredibly powerful yet simple techniques you can use anytime, anywhere, to melt away anxiety and find your centre again.

Let's dive into 3 of my favourite stress releasing practices.


  1. Energize the Kidneys

The kidneys play a crucial role in supporting the adrenal glands, which are responsible for producing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. When the adrenals become overworked due to chronic stress, it can lead to feelings of irritability, burnout, and an exaggerated stress response.

To help recharge the kidneys and provide a buffer for the adrenals, try this simple yet effective energy technique: Sit or stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands, fingers together, over your abdomen, just below your ribs. One hand should be positioned on the front of your body, one hand on your back. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, feeling your hands rise and fall with each inhale and exhale. As you breathe, visualize warm, revitalizing energy flowing into your kidneys, nourishing and rebalancing them. Hold this pose for 3-5 minutes, and you'll likely feel a tangible shift in your energy and mood.

This position is also a great one to use if you are having trouble winding down and falling asleep.


  1. The "Hook-Up" Position

When anxiety and overwhelm start to escalate, your body's natural stress response kicks into overdrive, pumping out adrenaline and leaving you feeling on edge. The "hook-up" is a simple yet powerful position that can quickly interrupt this cycle, stopping the production of adrenaline and releasing endorphins instead.

To do the hook-up, sit or stand. Cross your legs at your ankles. Position your hands straight out in front of you with the backs of your hands touching, then cross your arms at the wrists so that your palms are now facing. Intertwine your fingers, bend your elbows and bring your hands up and rest them on your heart area. Take several deep, calming breaths, and you'll likely feel the tension and stress start to melt away, replaced by a sense of grounding and emotional well-being. Maintain this pose for 3 - 5 minutes or until you feel good. When you're ready to release, bring your hands together in front of you palms facing and hold for 20 seconds to enable the balance to integrate to both hemispheres of your brain.


  1. Somatic Enquiry

While the first two techniques offer fast-acting, in-the-moment relief, this final practice takes a deeper dive into the root causes of your stress and anxiety. Through a process called "somatic enquiry," you'll develop greater self-awareness and understanding around your emotional triggers, empowering you to address them on a profound level. You will need ten minutes of uninterrupted time for this enquiry, so save it for when you have some time to yourself or when the kids have gone to bed.

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable space to sit or lie down.

  2. Close your eyes and bring your focus to the spot between your ears roughly where your pineal gland is.

  3. Count back slowly from ten.

  4. Now remember the trigger and bring your attention to your body, noticing any sensations, emotions, or memories that arise in your body around a particular trigger or stressful situation. Ask yourself the following:

  • Does the feeling have a shape/colour/emotion/age associated with it?

  • Does it feel dense of light, static or moving?

  • What is it's purpose/message?

  1. Allow yourself to fully feel and explore these somatic experiences, without judgment. As you do, note any insights or patterns that emerge.

  2. Now you can set the intention to release all the stress/blockages/stuck emotions from all of your organs, glands, cells, chakras, entire being and allow all of the non-harmonious aspects to be released and replaced with harmonious aspects.

This enquiry can help you uncover subconscious beliefs, past traumas, or energetic imbalances that may be fuelling your stress response, so you can begin to address them with intention and compassion. You will likely find that the cause of the trigger is not what's happening in your environment but something that happened in your past that your body is holding onto.


As busy, stressed-out Mums, we often put our own self-care on the back burner. But when your nervous system is continually in fight-or-flight mode, it takes a serious toll on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being and stops us being the Mum we want to be. These three transformative energy practices can be absolute savers, empowering you to quickly regain your sense of calm and equilibrium, even in the midst of the chaos.

Give them a try the next time you feel that familiar prickle of anxiety or irritability start to rise. With a little energetic rebalancing, you can say goodbye to mom rage and hello to greater inner peace.

And if you're craving more personalized support, I'd be honoured to guide you through a tailored energy healing or kinesiology session. Contact me today to get started.


“I come to you because I experience profound shifts and altered states of remembering who I am unlike any other healing I've opened to.
My soul trusts yours in its work and I feel comfortable and safe with you. Thank you for always holding and guiding that space for me.”

Ashley, Kingston

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