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Frequently Asked Questions

What is kinesiology and how does it work?

Kinesiology is a holistic healing modality that uses muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body’s energy systems. Muscle testing enables the practitioner to find the root causes of stress, pain, trauma and other blocks to wellness. Once the imbalances are identified the kinesiologist will use energy healing techniques to help the client to release the stress and bring the body back into alignment. This gentle approach supports the body’s natural healing processes and can lead to improved health and vitality.

How Does Kinesiology Heal?

Kinesiology facilitates healing by identifying and removing the blocks that prevent your body from functioning optimally. It is important to note that kinesiology itself does not heal; rather, it supports your body’s natural healing processes. Through techniques like muscle testing and energy balancing, a kinesiologist uncovers imbalances and stressors in your energy systems. Once these blocks are addressed and your body systems come back into alignment, your body can heal more effectively. Additionally, kinesiology does not diagnose or cure conditions; instead, it empowers individuals to enhance their overall wellbeing by promoting balance and resilience.

What can kinesiology help with? 

Kinesiology can help with a wide range of issues where energetic imbalances contribute to stress or discomfort. This includes physical symptoms like pain, emotional challenges such as anxiety or depression, and even behavioral issues. Additionally, kinesiology serves as a preventive modality, focusing on optimizing the functioning of the body, mind, and spirit. A significant part of the work involves promoting overall wellness and longevity, helping individuals maintain balance and resilience in their lives. By addressing imbalances before they manifest as more serious issues, kinesiology supports a proactive approach to health and wellbeing.

What is muscle testing or muscle monitoring?

Simply put, muscle testing is a way of communicating with your body and finding out what puts a stress on it or weakens it. In greater detail, muscle testing is a biofeedback tool used to test a muscle for its state of 'lock' or 'unlock.' The practitioner gently applies pressure to the muscle for a few seconds while the client tries to resist that pressure. If the muscle holds firm, it's considered 'locked,' meaning there is enough communication between the muscle and the central nervous system to maintain contraction. If a muscle gives during this gentle test, it is considered ‘unlocked’. This is due to insufficient neurological flow between the muscle and the central nervous system, which occurs because of a physical, emotional, and/or mental stresses.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an energy healing practice that involves the channelling of universal life energy through the practitioner to the client. This no touch technique promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and supports emotional healing by balancing the body's energy fields. Many clients find it deeply soothing and restorative.

What is somatic processing?

Somatic processing is a therapeutic approach that emphasizes the connection between the mind and body in addressing trauma and emotional issues. It involves tuning into physical sensations and bodily experiences to facilitate emotional release and healing. This method can help individuals process and integrate traumatic experiences at a deeper level.

Is kinesiology safe?

Yes, kinesiology is considered a safe and non-invasive therapy. It employs gentle techniques that do not involve any physical manipulation or harsh interventions. The methods used, such as muscle testing and energy balancing, are designed to support the body’s natural healing processes. Additionally, kinesiology practitioners prioritize creating a comfortable and supportive environment, ensuring that clients feel at ease throughout their sessions. Kinesiology is also trauma-aware, meaning practitioners are trained to handle sensitive issues with care and respect, allowing clients to explore their healing journey safely. As with any therapeutic approach, it's important to communicate openly with your kinesiologist about any concerns you may have.

Can kinesiology help children? 

Children are generally very receptive to energy work and often respond more quickly than adults. Kinesiology provides a gentle and non-invasive way to address various issues, including emotional challenges, learning difficulties, and physical ailments. If a child is young or unable to attend a session, a parent can act as a surrogate on behalf of the child, allowing the practitioner to assess and assist the child’s needs effectively. This adaptability makes kinesiology a valuable option for supporting children's health and wellbeing.​

How does kinesiology help with physical problems? ​

​Kinesiology helps with physical problems by identifying and addressing underlying energy imbalances that may contribute to pain or dysfunction. Through muscle testing and targeted techniques, kinesiologists can uncover the root causes of physical issues and support the body's natural healing processes, promoting pain relief and improved mobility.​

How does kinesiology help with trauma release?

Kinesiology facilitates the release of trapped emotions and trauma by identifying and addressing energy blockages in the body. Through muscle testing and various techniques, it allows for a deeper understanding of how past experiences affect current wellbeing, promoting emotional healing and resilience.

What I love about kinesiology as a trauma release modality is that there is no need to talk about the traumatic experience. I encourage clients to let go of the story of what happened and tap into the trapped body experience - what are you feeling in your body right now? Then we ask the body, what does it need to release? By taking this approach, there's minimal risk of re-traumatising the client and it is safe to look at trauma release in your first appointment (if that is optimal for your goals). 

Can kinesiology assist with nervous system regulation?

Yes, kinesiology can help regulate the nervous system by promoting relaxation and balance. Techniques used in kinesiology can activate the body's relaxation response, reducing stress and anxiety while enhancing overall emotional stability. This is especially beneficial for those experiencing high levels of stress or trauma. 

​How can kinesiology support personal growth?

Kinesiology promotes personal growth by helping individuals identify and overcome limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns. By addressing emotional blocks and fostering self-awareness, clients can unlock their potential and achieve their personal goals, whether related to health, relationships, or career.

Is kinesiology suitable for women seeking alternative healing modalities?

Yes, kinesiology is a valuable option for women looking for alternative healing modalities. It provides natural solutions for emotional healing, trauma release, and overall wellbeing without relying solely on traditional medical approaches. This holistic approach is ideal for those who are open to exploring different paths to health.

How do I prepare for my first session?

To prepare for your first session, it's advisable to come with an open mind and a willingness to explore your health concerns. Wear comfortable clothing, and bring any relevant medical history or questions you may have. Hydration is also important, so drink plenty of water before and after your session.

​​What can I expect during my energy healing session?

During an energy healing session, techniques such as Reiki or other forms of energy work are used to facilitate the release of blocked energies. You will be guided to a comfortable space where you can relax and allow the healing energy to flow. Many clients report feeling deep relaxation, emotional release, and a sense of clarity during and after the session.

What to expect after a session?

Many clients report feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and more balanced after a session. Some may experience emotional release or a shift in perspective. It's common to feel a mix of emotions as the body processes the healing work, so it's important to take time for self-care following your session.

How many kinesiology sessions will I need? 

​The number of kinesiology sessions needed varies depending on individual goals and circumstances. Some clients may notice improvements after just one session, while others may benefit from a series of sessions to address deeper issues and achieve lasting results. It's best to discuss your specific needs with your kinesiologist to create a tailored plan.

What if I have had kinesiology or energy healing before?

If you have previously experienced kinesiology or energy healing, it’s helpful to share your past experiences during the session. This can provide insight into your journey and help tailor the session to your current needs. Each practitioner has their own style, so exploring a new approach can yield fresh insights and benefits.

“I come to you because I experience profound shifts and altered states of remembering who I am unlike any other healing I've opened to.
My soul trusts yours in its work and I feel comfortable and safe with you. Thank you for always holding and guiding that space for me.”

Ashley, Kingston

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